(213 words) “The Examiner” is a play by N.V. Gogol, which ridicules tyranny, bribery and nepotism of representatives of regional authorities. The main method of describing heroes by the author is the use of speaking surnames. They reflect the whole essence of the characters, their characters.
The surname "Abdulin" is similar to "to blow" or "to fool". He is deceiving people. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky are almost namesakes because they are always and everywhere together. The second surname is similar to the word “add”. This is no accident. Dobchinsky is constantly supplementing Bobchinsky in conversations with other people. Derzhimorda is a policeman who roughly detains people. He, as it were, "holds his faces." Strawberries come from the same plant. A man "creeps on the ground", unable to rise higher. Lyapkin-Tyapkin performs any work "tyap-lyap". That is, without zeal and somehow, not caring about the consequences. Scruznik-Dmukhanovsky: produced from the Russian “draft” and Ukrainian “dmuhati”, which means “blow”. This man, like the wind, can get into any gap and achieve his goals. From Khlestakov, deception, idle chatter, arrogance are in full swing. He is not a serious person. Khlopov is a serf who worships his superiors, afraid to say too much. Shpekin - comes from the Polish word "szpieg" and translates as "spy". This character reads other people's letters out of curiosity. The county doctor has the surname Gibner, which is associated with the word "die." Based on this, it is clear how a man treats patients.
The writer gave a clear description of all the characters using surnames. He uses this technique in other works. For example, in the poem Dead Souls.